Former Staff
Thank you to:
Subject Area Editors
- Joseph Agassi (Philosophy of Science)
- James R. Beebe (Epistemology)
- David Boersema (American Philosophy)
- Curtis Bowman (19th Century Philosophy)
- Douglas Burnham (19th Century European)
- Jon Cogburn (Philosophy of Mind)
- Roy Cook (Mathematics)
- Joel Dittmer (Value Theory)
- James Dunson (19th Century German)
- Shawn Floyd (Medieval Philosophy)
- Valentin Goranko (Logic)
- John-Stewart Gordon (Ethics and Bioethics)
- Peter Gratton (Indigenous World Philosophy)
- Jeff Hergen (Medieval Philosophy)
- Colin Heydt (18th and 19th Century British)
- Alexandra King (Aesthetics)
- Kevin Klement (Logic)
- Scott Koterbay (Aesthetics)
- Shay Logan (Mathematics)
- Matt McCormick (18th Century Philosophy)
- John Min (Value Theory)
- Edward Moore (Helenistic Philosophy)
- Sean Morris (History of Analytic Philosophy)
- Melissa Mosko (Feminism)
- Thomas Nemeth (Russian Philosophy)
- Michael O’Donovan-Anderson (Ancient Philosophy)
- Tim O’Keefe (Ancient Philosophy)
- Ted Poston, (Epistemology)
- Aaron Preston (History of Analytic Philosophy)
- Jack Reynolds (Continental)
- Jeff Richey (Chinese)
- Steven Schneider (Aesthetics)
- Justin Skirry (17th Century European)
- Aaron Smuts (Aesthetics)
- Eric Sotnak (Philosophy of Religion)
- Diana Steigerwald (Islamic Philosophy)
- William Sweet (Social Philosophy)
- Kevin Timpe (Philosophy of Religion)
- Jason Waller (17th Century European Philosophy)
- David Whitford (Renaissance Philosophy)
Other Editors
- Ed Grippe (Production)
- Jason Waller (Recruiting Editor)
- Tyler Loveless (Technical Advisor)
Keith Adams, Christopher Alldredge, Nathan Allen, Ahmed Arafa, Michelle Ardila, Adam Atkinson, Douglas Baskett, Chris Baynes, Elisa Bezencon, Patrick Bishop, Nick Blas, Conor Bowman, Artem Bourov, Heidi Bowles, Franciszek Bryk, David Burnett, Ayla Bunyak, Steve Campbell, Marie Coffey, Dominic Connaway, Alan Cook, Stefano Corsi, Adam Croom, Cheri Cross, Jason Cruze, Cindy Dall, Corey Dickinson, Justine Dowden, Jessica Dully, Will Durham, Catherine Elian, Marcel Ettesvold, Matt Evpak, Arianna Falbo, Josh Finnell, Jeffrey Fisher, Natasa Gassia, Alex Geiger, Bernie Goldsmith, Dominic Goymour, Shelley Hale, Scott Hargarten, Sam Hawkins, Bridget Haylock, Daniel Hedstrom, Adam Hill, Emily Hodges, Yonina Hoffman, Tim Houk, Heather Hoyt, Christine Jakobson, Hannah Jones, William S. Jones, Adebanjo-Paul Joseph, Aditya Kaisah, Joseph Kassman-Tod, Varak Ketsemanian, Steven Kimbler, Nathan Kraatz, Andrew Kruck, Robert Kublawi, Emil Kusan, John Landry, Katherine Laparan, Manuel Lechthaler, Norm Lee, Sarah Lee, Gennifer Lehmer, Regina Liszanckie, Felix Luttge, Doug Manion, Luke Manning, Stephanie May, Jake Melichar, Roy Mill, John Miller, Moti Mizrahi, Anita Murray, Michael Murray, Blaine Nelson, Daniel Palaara, Joan Pan, Saja Parvizian, Mohan Pillai, Brad Post, David Prince, Ben Przybocki, Tanya Quin, Jaouad Radouani, Sonali Raj, Alex Riedel, Ariel Ricker, Mark Rittenmeyer, Joseph Roberts, Kevin Ryan, Nick Sabin, Dave Schwan, Stephen Seaward, Hongyuan Shi, Nick Sinetos, Casey Smith, Lauren Smith, Jennifer Snelling, Akilesh Sridharan, Rachel Stenner, Hannah Storey, Fiona Tan, Kaiyi Tan, Maria Tartaglia, Preston Tillotson, Christopher Torgalson, Dzmitry Tsapkou, Adam Waldbrook, Molly Watson, Samuel Webb, Neil Wellard, Karen Wess, Abby Wernicki, Ryan Wesley, Nicholas Wethington, Molly Wilder, Richard Willis, Jason Wu, Ben Yagi, Adam Young.